can do following activity in role maintenance:
Changing and Assigning Roles
Creating Roles
Creating Composite Roles
Transporting and Distributing Roles
Changing and Assigning Role
Choose the push button Create role or
the transaction PFCG in the initial transaction SAP Easy Access.
Enter the name of the delivered
standard role in the Role field.
Copy the standard role by choosing Copy
role and enter a name from the customer namespace. Do not change the delivered
standard roles (SAP_), but
rather only the copies of these roles (Z_). Otherwise, the standard
roles that you have modified will be overwritten by newly delivered standard roles
during a later upgrade or release change.
Choose Change (the new name is in the
Role field).
You can change the user menu on the
Menu tab page. You can reduce, extend or restructure it.
On the Authorizations tab choose Change
authorization data.
Maintain the authorization field values
as required. To adjust the authorizations for the menu changes, choose the
Profile generation expert mode pushbutton on the Authorizations tab and then
Read old version and adjust to new data.
Generate the profile for the role.
Assign users on the User tab page and
compare users if necessary. The users must already exist in the system before
you can assign them.
02. Creating Roles
To start role maintenance, either
choose Create Role in the SAP Easy Access transaction die or
Tools? Administration? User Maintenance? Role Administration? Roles
(transaction PFCG).
Enter the name of the role. Roles
delivered by SAP start with the prefix "SAP_". For your own
user roles, instead of using the SAP namespace, use the
customer namespace. This means that the prefix is "Y_" or
"Z_". You cannot tell from the names of the delivered roles whether
they are single or composite roles. You should therefore create a naming
convention for your roles so that you can differentiate between single and
composite roles. Choose Create.
You can assign transactions, reports,
and Web addresses to the role on the Menu tab page
To generate the profile for the role,
choose Change Authorization Data on the Authorizations tab page.
An input window may
appear, depending on which activities you selected You are prompted to enter
the organizational levels. Organizational levels are authorization fields which
occur in a lot of authorizations (an organizational level is, for example, a
company code). If you enter a particular value in the dialog box, die
authorization fields of the role are maintained automatically. The
authorizations which are proposed automatically for the selected activities of
the role are displayed in the following screen. Some authorization have default
Wherever traffic
lights appear in the tree display, you must adjust the authorization values
manually. You can maintain the authorization values by expanding the object
classes and clicking on the white fields to the right of the authorization
field name.
When you have
maintained the values, the authorizations count as manually modified and are
not overwritten when you copy more activities into the role and edit the
authorizations again. You can assign the complete authorization * for the
hierarchy level for all non-maintained fields by clicking on the traffic
Wherever there are
red traffic lights, there are organizational levels with no values. You can
enter and change organizational levels with Org. levels.
If you want other
functions in the tree display, such as copying or collecting authorizations,
you can show them with Utilities ? Settings.
a. Generate an
authorization profile for the authorizations. To do this, Choose Generate. You
are prompted for an authorization profile name. A valid name in the customer
namespace is proposed.
b. Leave the tree
display after the profile generation.
If you change the
menu and then call the tree display for the authorizations again, the
authorizations of the new activities are mixed with those for the existing
authorizations. There may then be a few yellow traffic lights, because there
are authorizations in the tree that are incompletely defined. You must either
manually assign values to these, or if you do not want to do this, delete them.
To delete an authorization, deactivate it first and then delete it.
6. You can also
assign users to the role immediately.
7. Save your entries.
03. Creating
Composite Roles
1. Enter a name in
the Role field in the role maintenance (transaction PFCG).The SAP System does
not distinguish between the names of simple and composite roles. You should
adopt your own naming convention to distinguish between simple and composite
2. Choose Create
collective role.
3. You can define the
composite role in the following screen.
4. Save your entries.
5. Enter the roles in
the composite role in the Roles tab page. You can display all the simple roles
in the system with the possible entries help.
You cannot include
composite roles in a composite role.
6. You can
restructure the role menus which you read in with Read menu, in the Menutab.
This does not affect
the menus of the roles.
Note also the
information about menus of composite roles provided if you choose Information
on the Menu tab page.
7. Either enter the
names of the users individually in the Users tab (manually or from the possible
entries help) or choose Selection. You can define selection criteria (such as
all users in a user group)
If you select a
username and choose Display, detailed user information is displayed.
Choose Compare users.
The user data is updated after the comparison.
Note that users which
are assigned to a composite role are displayed on a gray background in its
roles (not changeable). The user assignment should only be changed in the
composite role.You can display an overview of Roles in composite roles with the
View pushbutton in the role maintenance initial screen.
Transporting and Distributing Roles
1. To start role
maintenance, choose Tools >Administration >User Maintenance > Role
Administration > Roles (transaction PFCG).
2. Enter the role to
be transported and choose Transport Role.
The Mass Transport of
Roles screen appears. You can control the default settings for the options Also
transport single roles for composite roles and Also transport generated
profiles for rolesusing Customizing switches
You should not change
the authorizations profiles of the role after you have included the role in a
transport request. If you need to change the profiles or generate them for the
first time, transport the entire role again afterwards.
3. In the next dialog
box, specify whether the user assignment and the personalization data should
also be transported. If the user assignments are also transported, they will replace
the entire user assignment of roles in the target system. To lock a system so
that user assignments of roles cannot be imported, enter it in the Customizing
table PRGN_CUST using transaction SM30. Add the line USER_REL_IMPORT and the
value NO.
4. Enter a transport
The role is entered
in a Customizing request. Use Transaction SE10 to display this.
The authorization
profiles are transported along with the roles. Unless the profile parameter
transport/systemtype is set in this SAP system to value SAP. In this case, only
the profiles whose roles are assigned to customer-relevant delivery classes are
5. Perform a user
master comparison in the target system.
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