SAP Authorization Concept Modules
The SAP authorization concept modules are color-coded in the
hierarchy display.
The basic SAP authorization concept terms are displayed
below, before you specify the authorization field values. The colors of the SAP
authorization concept modules are the standard colors in the following
hierarchy display.
Explanation of terms:
Object class
Object classes have an orange background in the hierarchy
Authorization objects are divided into classes for
comprehensibility. An object class corresponds e.g. to an application
(Financial accounting, etc.)
The SAP authorization concept object classes are under Tools
> Administration > User maintenance > Authorizations.
Authorization objects
Authorization objects have a green background in the
hierarchy display.
You may need several authorizations to perform an
operation in the SAP System. The resulting contexts can be complex. The SAP
authorization concept, based on authorization objects, has been realized to
provide an understandable and simple procedure. Several system elements which
are to be protected form an authorization object.
An authorization object allows complex tests of an
Authorization for multiple conditions. Authorizations allow users to execute
actions within the system. An authorization object groups up to ten fields
that related by AND.
For an authorization check to be successful, all field
values of the authorization object must be maintained in the user master.
You get the authorization object documentation by
double-click on an authorization object. The documentation describes how you
maintain the authorization values.
Authorizations have a yellow background in the hierarchy
Authorization fields are light blue and their values are white.
An authorization enables you to perform a particular
activity in the SAP System, based on a set of authorization object field
The programmer of a function decides whether, where and
how authorizations are to be checked. The program determines whether the user
is authorized to perform an activity by comparing the specified authorization
object field values in the program with the authorization values in the user
master record.
T_9092029701 is an authorization for the authorization
object F_KNA1_BUK with the following values:
*for company code and 01,02activity
Use of an authorization:
Specifies permissible authorization object field values.
One or more values for each field.
Authorizations allow you to specify any number of values
or value ranges for a field. You can also allow all values, or allow an empty
field as a permissible value.
All users with this authorization in their authorization profile are
You can maintain authorizations manually with reference to
the authorization object documentation or by double-click on a value field in
the following dialog box:
You can select individual field values or choose Full
User authorizations are not usually assigned directly to
user master records, but grouped together in authorization profiles.
Authorizations can be collected in authorization profiles
to reduce the maintenance effort which would be required to enter individual
authorizations in the user master record. Access authorization changes affect
all users with the profile in their master record.
You can create profiles manually, but you should use the
Profile generator.
Use: Specifies
authorizations in user master records
Specific access rights, identified by an object name and a corresponding
authorization name.
Changes only take effect when the user next logs on. Users
who are logged on when the change takes place are not affected in their
current session.
In the example, T_58000097 is an authorization profile
containing company code authorizations.
User Master Record
These enable the user to log onto the SAP System and allow
access to the functions and objects in it within the limits of the specified
authorization profiles.
Changes only take effect when the user next logs on. Users
who are logged on when the change takes place are not affected in their
current session.
In the example a user whose user master record contains
the profile T_58000097 can perform the activities in the profile
When a transaction is called, a system program makes various
checks to ensure that the user has the appropriate authorization.
Is the transaction code valid? (table TSTC check).
Is the transaction locked by the system administrator?
(table TSTC check).
Is the user authorized to call the transaction?
The authorization object S_TCODE (call transaction) contains
the field TCD (transaction code). The user must have an authorization with a
value for the selected transaction code.
Does the transaction code have an authorization object? If
so, a check is made that the user has authorization for this authorization
If one of this checks fails, the transaction is not called
and the system sends a message.
If the transaction is called, it calls an ABAP program which
makes further authorization checks with the AUTHORITY-CHECK command. The
programmer specifies an authorization object and the required values for each
authorization field.
AUTHORITY-CHECK checks whether a user has appropriate
authorization. To do this, it searches in the specified authorization profile
in the user master record to see whether the user has authorization for the
authorization object specified in the command.
If the authorization is found and it contains the correct
values, the check is successful.
check scenario contains an example of the use of the AUTHOR
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